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Fire blankets in police cars


Basic element for security forces and public order in some communities of the country. Equip police cars with basic safety elements and include among other articles a fire blanket, is adopting more than safety measures, a conscience and human lives protection mentality.

Policemen, as security forces and public order, need to be equipped and trained to confront violent, dangerous and emergency situations, which mean to wear protective clothes tailored with technical inherent flame retardant fabric, as well as cars equipment that they use could provide also protection against fire, heat chemical and even electric attacks.

Some communities in Spain have already taken conscience of these situations and have added, under their police regulations, to the cars equipment a fire blanket, that could be used in fast performance cases, if the situation requires it. Following, we will mention some communities that already include fire blankets in the basic equipment of their police cars:

In Seville, Act 93/2003 disposes:
Junta de Andalucía Official Bulletin (Article 4. Basic equipment)

Cars will be white and must have this basic equipment:

  • Displayers issuing lights and acoustic signals.
  • Fire blanket.
  • Extinguisher.
  • Flashlights.
  • Fist-aid kit.
  • Transmitter.
  • Vests or reflectant bibs.
  • Signalling cones and becoming tapes.

In Valencia, for example, Local police regulation approved December 30th 1999, demands that all police cars and vans must be provided at least with a fire blanket among other elements.
Regulation of Valencia's Policía Local(Article 46)

The attention of the vehicle corresponds to the driver that has it assigned at every moment, who always has to veil for its good use and maintenance. All police cars and vans will have, at least, the following provision:

  • 1 extinguisher with tube, weight 20 kilograms.
  • 1 fire blanket.
  • 1 pair of working gloves.
  • 1 box of latex gloves.
  • 4 reflecting material triangles, foldable.
  • 2 flashlights with its correspondent orange cones and holding ring.
  • 1 duct tape (sling), 4 meters long.
  • 1 tape roll to beacon or accurate areas.
  • 1 measuring tape, 20 meters long.
  • 1 set of starting clamps.
  • 1 respiration tip (RPC).

Vasque Gobern, Euskedo Jaurlaritza, also dotates its police equipments not only with a fire blanket, but also thermal blankets.
Technical foundations patrol cars - Dotation of police equipment

Dotations and subjected systems of it placed in front part or driving cabin:

  • 1 elastic net to hold fire blanket that will be placed in the front area available for the partner.
  • Dotations and subjected systems of it placed in the back part or driving cabin:
    - It supplies with respective subjects of the following “Ertzaintza” equipments detailed below (Fire blanket holder).

The steps for a higher protection and safety make providers and administrator of police materials and for safety and defense police forces get interested and start including fire blanket as a protection and safety category in their sales catalogs, as a safety and defense accessory before an embarrassing situation of fighting against fire and heat.

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