Fire resistant fabrics

Use of fire blankets in power plants

Fire blankets: A first aid supporting element in power plantsWhat factors can cause a fire in a power plant? Generally two, human and technical factors, but usually happens by: Generation of sparks by overheating...
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Flame retardant carpet or floor protector?

Flame retardant floor protector, a special carpetWhen we talk about carpets, we associate the among other functions, as a floor protector by its elemental role of protecting the floor where it is placed, independently...
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Differences between leather and flame retardant fabrics for welder’s protection

When we talk about protection before welding jobs, the first thing that comes to mind is leather because it is the most popular and economic existing protection PID for welders and the protection it brings is quite...
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General balance of Texfire in SICUR 2016

Texfire appreciates and shows satisfied of its participation in the 19th International Hall SICUR 2016, considering its objectives in medium and long term fulfilled as a first stage of its corporate strategy, where it...
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Flame retardant carpets, the perfect complement for barbecues and chimneys

Fire carpets decorate and protect our environment from fireCarpets are tailored fabrics used to cover the floor of a room, especially on winter. If also these carpets are flame retardant, we could also use them to...
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TEXFIRE will expose its latest developments in protection against heat and fire in SICUR 2016

SICUR, with a biannual frequency, is considered as one of the most important international exhibitions from the sector of security, emergency and protection. It foresees to receive a bigger number of participants from...
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Gastronomic Forum Girona 2015, Texfire sideways Complet Hotel, S.A.

Girona's Congress Palace and the Exhibition Palace will receive the new edition of Gastronomic Forum GIRONA 2015, that will take place in one month time, from November 15th to November 17th 2015.
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RAPEX informs about fiberglass flame retardant blankets market withdrawal

Existing alerts inform that some fiberglass blankets doesn't meet regulation: EN 1869According to newsletter Report 51, published: 26/12/2014, of RAPEX (*), a series of fiberglass flame retardant blankets brands are...
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Fire blanket, an element of autoprotection in tire fires on road

Technological development has helped that nowadays tires will be more modern and lasting but it doesn't mean that they will be exent of irreparable dameges and that, in some cases, solution will be its replacement by...
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METALMADRID 2015: Event of metal sector

Metal sector companies are getting ready for MetalMadrid 2015. The exhibition organisation has enabled, in its website, a space to periodically edit newletters about the latest news of its exhibitors, innovations,...
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