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An aluminized fabric could be the solution to protect ourselves from high temperatures


In our everyday life, we find many daily situations where we have to face heat sources during more or less long periods of time. The exposition of furniture and machinery before high temperatures could provoke irreversible degradation and, thus, an additional cost for us since there is not a repaying of the useful life of those furnishings and machines. It is also very important to protect our own bodies before these heat sources. Human bodies react before heat freeing it through sweat, which accelerates heartbeat and breathing. Therefore, a long exposition of the human body before temperatures higher than 38ºC could provoke dehydration, cramps, heat strokes, heat syncopal episodes, arrhythmias, aggravation of previous illnesses and even death. It is considered that 55ºC is the limit temperature a human being can stand for and when in 60ºC a regular person can survive only for 10 minutes, dying because of dehydration after this time.

But, is it usual to live together with these temperatures?

The answer is YES. From sunbathing on the beach in the middle of August between 12h and 15h, driving a car with no air conditioning in the middle of a heatwave or sitting next to a chimney in the middle of winter, could be regular situations that can cause any of the situations previously mentioned. But it’s even worse when certain population groups like babies, pregnant women, elders, and people with any heart or vascular disease are exposed to these heat situations. In addition, it is also quite frequent that workers in some sectors as operators in foundries, hospitality workers (bakers, confectioners, pizza guys, deli workers...) are exposed to high temperatures during their working hours. To fight against these extreme situations, there are different solutions in the marketplace and in Texfire we propose an economic and easy to apply solutions. It is an aluminized fabric, very light and comfortable which is used to manufacture multiple gadgets and garments with which we can protect ourselves such as aprons and barbecue gloves, thermal isolator covers for sofas and triplets... MINIAL 50 fabric in addition of being an aluminized fabric designed to reflect radiant heat, it’s permanent flame retardant, resisting temperatures up to 180ºC and, certainly, it is free of asbestos. Moreover, it has the advantage it can be purchased by meters or in 24 meter long rolls, which eases its mass production as well as the tailoring of unique garments. For further information on MINIAL 50 aluminized fabric, you can watch the product’s page.
