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How to choose which flame retardant blanket buy under desired use: fire blanket, fiberglass or welding protection?


Buy a flame retardant blanket after identifying risk and its use

Flame retardant blankets, as generic name could be used to refer to different types of incombustible blankets:

  • Fire blanket.
  • Fiberglass fire blanket.
  • Flame retardant protective welding blanket.

Which besides all have in common its great fire and heat resistance, its goal of use is different.

Many times we find clients that buy a fire blanket that end up using in a welding workshop, the client's goal was the protection against welding protection and depending on their level or the welding technique done, this blanket could meet or not his or her needs.

Choose and buy a flame retardant blanket according to its use could be easier if we follow these three concrete steps:

  • Identify the task to do. What kind of job or activity are we going to do? Welding in a car work ship, oxicut jobs, jobs closer to power boxes, make food in a stove, cook, make meals where lots of oil will be used, chemical test in a laboratory, etc.
  • Identify and value the risk level of the peril when doing a task. The risk level or material damages during the task or daily work are different, they could be low, moderate or high, and it could be a direct exposition to fire or sparks and melted metals protections, etc.
  • Choose the most suitable flame retardant blanket. Once identified the performed task and its risk of danger, we could choose the adequate blanket, but in order to do that it will be useful to know, in a general way, the technical regulations since flame resistant blankets are designed to decide in a safer way the purchase, we summarize them down below.

Flame retardant blanket Use Specification of regulations
Fire blanket Suffocate first fire connotes EN 1869
Fiberglass Electric, thermal or acoustic isolation UNE 2372790
Welding protection Against slag projections and melted metal splashes ISO 9185 y EN ISO 11611 (*)

(*) At European level, there are not specific regulations that regulate the technical design of blankets for welding protection. Texfire bases in European regulations of clothing for welding protection and connected techniques, test will be done in official laboratories as well as in its internal laboratory.

The security to buy a flame retardant designed under regulations contribute to minimize risk danger and make us feel more protected by rules and vigent legislations in the market, so the importance that when a flame retardant blanket, the technical regulations criteria that stipulates its use also prevails

Texfire has been specialized in developing different ranges of flame retardant blankets and groups them in their website according to the category in their use sectors, principal technical features and specifies the regulations to take into account before choosing a flame retardant blanket to use. Texfire has a customer support department for any one-to-one consultation in case of needing additional assistance.

If you follow our articles, we inform that soon we will deepen about the regulation that flame resistant blanket must meet, as well as the test that include and the authorized entities to certify this type of product.


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