Purpose and application field
This standard specifies the method to evaluate propagation easyness of the flame in fabrics vertically destined to the confection of curtains (simple or multicomposed fabrics as well as recovered, padded, multilayered, sandwich, etc.)
Method's principle
A detemined radiant heat flux is applied in a defined area. After an exposure periode to the flame of 30 seconds, a small flame is applied during 10 seconds to a testing cutton-fabric piece in the inferior edge. The possible flame propagation is measured through the breaking of control threads.
Operatory procedure
The test piece is placed in the testing support after putting a folded cotton fabric, with total measures of 50 mm x 20 mm and holded with a staple, in the edge where flame will be applied. In addition, a filter paper piece (150mm x 100mm) will be placed over the metalic grid under the test piece. The protective screen is retired and the sample is exposed during 30 seconds to radiant heating action. Following this, the lighter is placed with the face in the fabric's edge and the flame is kept during 10 seconds, after this time the flame is retired and the radiant heating source is turned off. Burning time is measured from the flame's application until tearing of marked threads. Also, if after combustion exist, destructed length, burning rests released or filter paper under the test piece is burnt, will be observed.
Following this, another test piece will be tested in the same direction exposing the other face to the radiator, and the same measures are listed. The effects of the exposed face with worse results will be taken into account.
Subsequently, two more test pieces will be tested with the length that gave the worst result and other test pices will be tested same way in the other direction of the fabric.
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