ISO 5077 | Dimensional stability

UNE-EN ISO 5077:2008 Textiles - Determination of dimensional change in washing and drying

This standard specifies a method for the preparation, marking and measurement of fabrics, garments and fabric measurements in tests carried out to determine the dimensional variation after a specified treatment (washing, steaming, etc.)

The test consists of cutting test pieces with minimum dimensions of 50 cm x 50 cm, with parallel edges along the length and width of the fabric. The marking of the test pieces is carried out with a distance between the marks of at least 35 cm and with a distance to the edges of at least 5 cm.

After the treatment, the marks are measured, avoiding wrinkles in the fabric, and the percentage of dimensional variation is calculated with the following formula:

(Xt – Xo /  Xo) x 100
